Jackie Lapin
Jackie Lapin Media Relations; Conscious Media Relations
Conscious Media Relations specializes in publicity for authors, experts, businesses
and organizations that serve the mind/body/spirit, self-help and
conscious lifestyles. Jackie Lapin and her team outreach to 3500+
specialty media, and all mainstream media outlets. The company’s
signature program is a radio media tour that introduces its clients to
2,000+ personal growth radio shows! Conscious Media Relations’
services include three different levels of radio media tours, full
book/film launch campaigns, retainer programs and an array of a la
carte services. For more on these “media lightworkers, bringing your
light to the world!”–visit www.ConsciousMediaRelations.com or call
Jackie Lapin at (818) 707-1473
Jackie is the author of bestsellers, “The Art of Conscious Creation”; “Practical
Conscious Creation”