Commit: How to Blast Through Problems and Meet Your Goals through Massive Action

commit ebook coverby Linda Formichelli
Commit is taking massive action to solve a problem or reach a goal. It’s pretty much the opposite of the baby-steps approach. When you Commit, you do whatever it takes to make happen what you want to happen. You can use one giant, crazy, unbelievably powerful tactic, but it’s even more effective to combine several tactics at the same time.
Commit is also about gathering so many resources and so much support that you can’t go wrong. Commit is about concentrating and harnessing that initial motivation to such a degree that it propels you right past any roadblocks you may run into later.
There are four major ways Commit works for you:

  1. It gives you explosively fast results.
  2. It boosts your motivation.
  3. It automates your goals.
  4. It makes you feel good.

We don’t have time to mess around with half-hearted attempts and false starts. If you want to be extraordinary and do extraordinary things, you have to do it now—and do it big. What can it help you do?
For writing: Find new clients, earn more income, create work/life balance, get publicity.
For art: Create more, sell more, boost your creativity, get your art seen.
For finances: Get out of a financial hole, pay down debt, save money, earn more.
It all starts with a notebook and something to write with. Choose something nice.
If change makes you uncomfortable, and of course it does, plan ahead for how you’ll handle it. Meditation, affirmations, counting your blessings, talking to someone who met their goals in spite of challenges—having a plan in place will take away a lot of the discomfort change brings.
So when you launch your Commit, know that other aspects of your life may get short shrift, at least temporarily. You might need to cut down on socializing, order take-out dinners or get someone else to cook, set aside your vacation plans, hire someone else to manage your business, or reset your expectations for how clean your house is.
Whatever your goal or situation is, dream up a scenario where you must get it done, and then brainstorm ways to make it happen. Rope in a friend to help, if you can—other people can often spot opportunities that are not apparent to you.
Sometimes, just pinpointing the very best, no-fail action and stating it aloud (or writing it down), even if it’s a nutty-sounding, giant, audacious idea, can help propel you in the right direction.
Some authorities claim that if you read ten books on any subject, you’ll know more about that topic than most of the population. Quickly gaining expert status in the area of your goal will give you the know-how you need to make it happen. Also, learning motivates.
For The Renegade Writer blog, I interviewed writer Julie Knudson, who emailed 300 trade magazine editors, landed more than a dozen regular clients, and received over 80 requests for samples. That is basically enough to go from zero gigs to making a full-time living as a writer. That is a life changer! The success you’ll likely see if you hammer at your goal with a barrage of actions will boost your motivation.
If you need a push to Commit to your goal, try participating in a 30-day challenge—either a pre-arranged one, or a challenge you make for yourself.
Freelance writer Penny Hawes has been Committing to a BIG income goal this year — and she lined up more than a third of her income for 2015 by the first week of February. I interviewed Penny to find out:

  • What her Commit practice looks like.
  • How one decision helped her go from feeling broke to achieving her goals—and then some. (Penny took advantage of NINE Commit tactics to make it happen!)
  • How Committing has helped her with the winter blahs and self-worth issues.
  • What her work style was like before she started Committing.
  • How many letters of introduction she plans to send out to help her reach her income goal. (You won’t believe it!)
  • How she reframes cold calls to make them less scary. (Hint: It’s about the service, not about you.)
  • How Committing is like body-surfing.

Some people prefer to listen to interviews, while some are readers—here are both options:

The above is an excerpt from Commit, with some paraphrasing for length.

Linda Formichelli is one-half of the Renegade Writers, the co-author, with Diana Burrell, of The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success and The Renegade Writer’s Query Letters That Rock.

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