Women's National Book Association's 2015-16 Writing Contest

Seeking your best work for a national writing contest. Winning entries will be published in a special issue of The Bookwoman, the national newsletter of the WNBA.
Entry Fee: WNBA Members: $15 per entry Non-Members: $20 per entry
SUBMIT: Submit through the online submission site: https://wnba.submittable.com/submit.
Prizes: First-place winners receive $250 cash prize. Second, third, and honorable mentions will be published with the first-place winners in the contest edition of The Bookwoman.
Open to all writers 18 or older writing in English. Now accepting submissions.Deadline is January 15, 2016.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable. Please inform the contest chairperson if work is accepted elsewhere. Previously published work accepted. If your work is accepted elsewhere please contact the Contest Chair joan@joangelfand.com.
Fiction—Includes short fiction, novel excerpts, and flash fiction. 3,000 words maximum.
Nonfiction—Includes memoir, personal essay, and commentary. 2,500 words maximum.
Poetry—3 to 5 pages of poetry.

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