The Eric Hoffer Book Award recognizes excellence in independent publishing. Prizes awarded by genre, press, the Montaigne Medal, the da Vince Eye, the First Horizon Award, and the Hoffer grand prize. Entry deadline: January 21, 2018.
The Eric Hoffer Book Award accepts any book. Did you know that the Hoffer Award has categories for E-BOOKS, CHAPBOOKS, and printed books older than two years old (i.e. LEGACY) for both fiction and nonfiction?
A single registration qualifies you for:
- $2,000 grand prize (the Eric Hoffer Award for Books)
- Winner of the Montaigne Medal for most thought-provoking books
- Winner of the da Vinci Eye for best covers
- Winner of the First Horizon Award for debut authors
- Winner and First Runner-Up in your selected category
- Honorable Mentions for your selected category
- Individual Awards for Micro, Small, and Academic Presses, as well as Self-Published Books
- Legacy categories for any book older than two years (fiction and nonfiction)
- Award coverage in the US Review of Books – a top on-line book review publication
- Gold Seal Certificates
- Worldwide Exposure
Categories include Art, Poetry, Chapbook, General Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Children, Young Adult, Culture, Memoir, Business, Reference, Home, Health, Self-Help/Spiritual, Legacy Fiction, Legacy Nonfiction, E-book Fiction, and E-book Nonfiction.