CLAS Book Proposal Seminar

The California Literary Arts Society (CLAS) is sponsoring a two-hour seminar on book proposals, which will help writers focus on their subject, choose a descriptive title, and determine whether they have a viable book.
Instructor Mary Embree believes that authors would benefit by preparing a book proposal before they finish their first draft—and even before they begin writing their book. As they prepare the proposal they will learn how to organize their work and set up the foundation for their book. This could save authors the lengthy process of reworking and rewriting.
How to complete each section of the seven-part proposal will be explained. They are (1) Title Page, (2) Synopsis, (3) Author Bio, (4) Market Potential, (5) Competitive Works, (6) Chapter Outline, and (7) Sample Chapters. In some cases there will be additional features of the book, such as index, glossary, illustrations, bibliography, etc.
This seminar will help authors get started, and a three-session workshop on book proposals planned for early 2010 will go into greater detail and offer individual help.
Embree is a literary consultant, editor, book doctor, and author of several books including The Author’s Toolkit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing and Publishing Your Book. The third edition of Author’s Toolkit will be published in 2010. She is also one of the founders of CLAS.
The fee for the seminar is $10 for members of CLAS and $20 for nonmembers. It includes handouts. Non-members may join CLAS at the session and pay the member fee. All proceeds go to the California Literary Arts Society. Website: The seminar will be held at Bank of Books, 748 E. Main Street, Ventura, on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 from 7 to 9 p.m. For reservations, e-mail or call 805/643-3385.