Beware! Scam Alerts Aimed at Authors

Scan Alert #1

Silver Ink Literary Agency

”It has come to our attention that a scam outfit by the name of Silver Ink Literary Agency is emailing authors to solicit book proposals for publication with major publishers. The scammers are using the Authors Guild’s logo on their letterhead and the logos of leading publishers to solicit book proposals and charging authors up to $6,000. The letter also claims that the Authors Guild is chairing a task group that oversees the editorial and publishing process.

“This is a scam. We strongly advise you not to correspond with the sender. We are in the process of taking legal action against the scammers.

“If you or someone you know has received this email, please contact the Author Guild immediately at” .

Scam Alert #2

Truman Publishing

We heard from a member about an outfit called Truman Publishing aggressively marketing its services to authors. Judging by their website, which lists several fake addresses and other inconsistencies, we suspect this outfit is a scam and strongly advise all authors to avoid contact with them.

26 thoughts on “Beware! Scam Alerts Aimed at Authors”

  1. Ali Stewart

    Senior Literary Agent | Silver Literary Agency

    200 S Virginia St 8th floor, Reno, NV 89501, United States


    P (775) 376 9208 Ext. 777

    Fax: (313) 263- 6496

    EIN#:853622185 NV Business ID:20201926521 (Have been approached by these guys asking for $1500US upfront to get my book mainstream published, Cant find them anywhere)

    1. Hi Mike, I have been approached by the same agency and now I have been sent a confidential letter of intent from Penquin Random House with my name on it. Has this been your experience? If so, did you check with Penguin Random House in New York? I look forward to your reply. Dr Psotova (Sydney, Australia)

      1. Hi Helena. I have just received an email from Leo Orwell with the Silver Literary Agency so will be interested in how yours progresses. Still trying to sift through what is genuine and what is not

  2. I have just been approached by Silver Literary Agency too. It’s about the 10th in the past few weeks. I have no idea who to trust. So far they have said there is no upfront fee but I’ve asked for more information.

    Last week one agency asked for $5000 up front as they said Penguin wanted to buy my book. I declined.

    Murray (Auckland, New Zealand)

    1. Be careful of Truman Press, I have wired them $25,100 for absolutely nothing!!!!
      The people trying to talk to me now don’t know what they are talking about and just buying time!
      I have filed a case against them for who they really are! Thank you for the information!

      1. If you can file directly to FBI since The CEO of Page Turner press was entrapped and detained in NY in December due to wire fraud. One of the biggest publishing scams in the philippines. File a lawsuit to Truman Press. They have scammed many authors, not just you.

      1. They are the same, I once worked with a con-artist named Daniel Davis, he sounded so dumb, the only thing about him was his confidence and very loud voice, I don’t know why I decided to work with him but now I think back on it it was all nonsense, just a practical scam. Be aware!

  3. Truman Publishing is a different company from Truman Press I have talked with both companies before and they are a separate entity.

  4. Scam Alert #2
    Truman Publishing
    We heard from a member about an outfit called Truman Publishing aggressively marketing its services to authors. Judging by their website, which lists several fake addresses and other inconsistencies, we suspect this outfit is a scam and strongly advise all authors to avoid contact with them.

  5. Truman Press and Truman Publishing is just one company. In Cebu Philipines, they are Quadratex. Most of the services aren’t fulfilled specially the Press Release they run for 12 months. They said results are generated for 3-4 months only to find out, you can no longer file for dispute with your bank in 3-4 months. They have someone who would say he is from movie and TV and would ask you to buy a screenplay for $30,000-$45,000 for a guaranteed movie deal and would ask you to pay using wire transfer so u cant file for refund. Beware with Truman Press AKA Quadratex

  6. They got me signed up for a year of doing press release. I am now on my 5th month and I don’t see any reviews on my Amazon Page as promised. When you check on their address: 1968 S. Coast Hwy #3928 Laguna Beach CA 92651 using Google, it’s just an empty room as receiving address. Truman Press/ Truman Publishing/ Quadratex Cebu is Total scam!

  7. It is a tragedy when publishing companies exploit the authors. It is sad when our intellectual work is scammed. I pray for the time when these publishers are extinct. They are author terrorists that are as dangerous as Hamas. GOD speed the day when they are brought to justice and authors can trust a real publisher to make the authors work an honest offer.

  8. Pingback: Writers and Publishers Network

  9. Truman Presss set up a fake Movie Production Company in a separate room pretending to be Roth Films to sell you screenplay that’s worth $30,000. Their screenplay is never written by a writer from WGA and not registered with WGA. If you bought something from them using your credit card, call your bank and file for dispute.

  10. Press Release Campaign of Truman Press is nothing… They don’t even have connections to media outlets or any bookstores . Get away with this scamssss….

  11. Truman Press / Truman Publishing / Quadratex Cebu is totally the same with Page Turner Press and Media. Absolute scam.. FBI and NBI will hunt this company down.

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