The March Publishing Game
by Jay Hartman Imagine you’ve spent years building an impressive hardcover and paperback collection. You’ve got a library in your home full of bookshelves of all your favorite authors. You’ve…
WPN regularly publishes articles on a variety of topics of interest to our members and the publishing community. To find articles on specific topics, please use the drop down menus. We accept submissions from the community for publication. If you have an article, (limit 2,500 words), please send to .
by Jay Hartman Imagine you’ve spent years building an impressive hardcover and paperback collection. You’ve got a library in your home full of bookshelves of all your favorite authors. You’ve…
Sadly, this month we say good-bye to The Book Doctor, a staple here since Writers and Publishers Network began as SPAWN (Small Publishers, Artists, and Writers Network) many years ago.…
Guest writer, Desiree Duffy You want to give your book launch every chance to succeed, right? You’ve written your book. It’s gone through several stages of editing. The interior is…
by Kathleen Marple Kalb One of the best investments you can make in your career is dues for professional groups. Which specific group depends on your genre, but every writer…
by Marilyn Todd Today marks a milestone in my writing career. I’m celebrating—big time, I might add—the publication of four books and short stories in the space of a fortnight.…
We’re all asking ‘what’s next?’ about politics, our rights, the economy, and more. Uncertainty wears on our nerves and weighs on our minds. Writing can be your escape from a…
by Adanna Moriarty In today’s crowded book market, where every title vies for attention, ebook campaigns have become essential for authors who want to stand out. These campaigns aren’t just…
by Linda Kay Hardie Like most writers I used to cringe and change the subject when anyone brought up book promotion. What do I know about it? How can I…
by Jay Hartman Q: A few years ago, you wrote a column on getting your title into libraries. I tried following the instructions, but nothing appears the way you wrote…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: Your track changes on my manuscript show that you want me to delete a lot of words from my manuscript. Why did you make that recommendation?…