Pseudonyms and Getting Started
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I’m publishing a book of rebuses. Should I use a pen name or my own name? I know some authors use another name when they switch…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I’m publishing a book of rebuses. Should I use a pen name or my own name? I know some authors use another name when they switch…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I wonder if you’ve noticed the recent outbreak of unnecessary commas between adjectives in otherwise respectable publications (I’ve even seen it in The New York Times!)…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I have recently written a novel in Farsi and I have translated the first seventeen pages of it to English. Even though the story line has…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I have a challenge with keeping up with the characters in a trilogy I’m writing. From one book to another I forget small details that could…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I wrote a book about fifteen years ago and sold the rights to a publishing house. The book sold slowly, but it finally sold out. The…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I have two questions. In including a quote from [source redacted] in an article I’m writing, I have these challenges: 1. He was British so his…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: I’ve created a series of interactive gift books. I think my idea would be great for a company like Hallmark, Peter Pauper Press, or Abrams, but…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: How do you use single quotation marks to indicate significance? Which of the following is correct? He nodded ‘yes.’ “I told him ‘hello.’” ‘Safety’ is the…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: How can I tell when to capitalize an animal breed and when not to? A: The rule is that if a breed name contains a proper…
by Bobbie Christmas Q: The members of my group write romance novels. I have always used *** to separate scenes within a chapter. One writer suggested that using symbol drops…