2011 Beach Book Festival Call For Entries
The 2011 Beach Book Festival has issued a call for entries to its annual awards honoring the hottest reads of the summer season. The Beach Book Festival will consider self-published…
Event listings and opportunities of interest to writers, publishers, artists and illustrators
The 2011 Beach Book Festival has issued a call for entries to its annual awards honoring the hottest reads of the summer season. The Beach Book Festival will consider self-published…
Straylight Magazine is hosting a poetry contest! All forms, styles, and subjects of poetry will be considered.
Ventura resident Marion Witte has captured her true-life story in Little Madhouse on the Prairie, a memoir. At the Ventura County Writers Club February eighth meeting, she’ll discuss how she got Little Madhouse published, how she marketed the book using traditional and new media, and what authors must do to get their book in front of their niche market.
On February 15, 2011, we will have a WPN member teleseminar with Robert Bly. Description: How to Write and Sell Simple Information for Fun and Profit: Your Guide to Writing…
“Learning from Reading Aloud” is the topic at the January 11 meeting of the Ventura County Writers Club.
National Indie Excellence Awards Seek Submissions – Please send one copy of the book per category entered. 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 publication dates are eligible. Be sure to copy the submission form and put it in each book you submit in each category. All titles must have an ISBN and be published books.
Each year Black Lawrence Press will award The Big Moose Prize for an unpublished novel. The prize is open to new, emerging, and established writers. The winner of this contest will receive book publication, a $1,000 cash award, and ten copies of the book.
The 2011 San Francisco Book Festival has issued a call for entries to its annual competition honoring the best books of the Spring season and will consider non-fiction, fiction, biography/autobiography, children’s books, compilations/anthologies, teenage, how-to, cookbooks, science fiction, audio/spoken word, history, wild card, gay, photography/art, poetry, unpublished, travel and spiritual works.
The 2010 Los Angeles Book Festival has issued the call for entries to its annual celebration of books deserving more attention from the world publishing community.
Floorboard Review, an online literary journal of poetry and photography, is currently taking submissions for its first issue. See submission guidelines and submit online at www.floorboardreview.com