102 Traditional poetry manuscript presses that do not charge reading fees
This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for poets.
Event listings and opportunities of interest to writers, publishers, artists and illustrators
This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for poets.
Feb 23-24 Amelia Island Book Festival, Amelia Island, Florida
Feb 20-24 Granite Noir, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Santa Barbara Writers Conference, June 9-14 in Santa Barbara CA: writing workshops, panels, speakers, agents, and seminars
February 3 Murder in the Magic City, Birmingham, Alabama February 3, 2024, Homewood Library, Guests of Honor, S. A. Cosby and Wanda Morris
Feb 15-18 Savannah Book Festival, Savannah, Georgia Saturday, February 17, 2024, 30+ authors will give free 30-minute presentations in multiple unique venues in historic Downtown Savannah. Authors will discuss their…
New England Crime Bake Mystery Conference, November 10-12 Hilton Boston/Dedham, Masschusetts
Sleuthfest 2024. September 26-29. St. Petersburg, Florida.
Creatures, Crimes & Creativity Con September 13-15. Columbia, Maryland Doubletree Hilton Hotel. The purpose is to gather readers and writers of genre fiction (mystery, suspense, thriller, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and…
Bouchercon 2024. August 28-September 1. Nashville, Tennessee. Nashville 2024 Guests of honor include J.T. Ellison, Brad Thor, Heather Graham, Harlan Coben, Rachel Howzel Hall, Anthony Horowitz, V.M. Burns, Mick Herron,…