From the editor – May 2020

COVID19 has changed all of our lives, from the way we shop for groceries to how we entertain, work, and interact with others. It’s uncertain how long self-quarantining, social distancing, and attire that includes masks and gloves will last. It’s the uncertainty that robs us of our focus, the day’s structure, and personal safety. What can we do about it?
We haven’t lost all control. Other ways exist to get groceries: start a garden, curbside pickup, home delivery. Going to the vet’s office with a pet now involves a tech coming to the car to escort the pet into the office while you wait. Cooking gets inventive as you work with what’s on hand in order to avoid yet another trip to the grocery. Things we’ve taken for granted have changed, maybe for good.
Around the world, the air is cleaner, with less pollution from automobiles. Animals are returning to former habitats. We have challenges ahead, but have met them before and no doubt will again.
In the meantime, if you can’t seem to write more for your current project, write something fun instead. Try your hand at creating a book for children. Discuss dialogue and plot via Zoom or Facetime. Send texts, emails, and make phone calls. Everybody needs to hear a live voice once in a while.
Pick one small chore to do. It may lead to others, but if not, it’s one accomplishment. Sometimes, that’s enough.
Most of all, take care of yourself. Sleep well, eat better, take a walk, laugh at a movie. All over the world, people and businesses are stepping up to help. What can you do? The smallest act of kindness can start a whole movement.
Stay well, stay safe,
Sandy, Editor, WPNews,

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