WPN Market Update – May, 2004By Patricia L. Fry
Contents: Here’s What’s NewThe address for The First Line is wrong in the 2004 edition of Writer’s Market. The correct address is, POB 25082, Plano, TX 75025-0382. Tip of the MonthWho can benefit from the information published in the monthly WPN Market Update? Anyone who writes for fun, fame or money. Whether you are an author with one or 101 books, a freelance writer or someone who writes in the course of his or her business, you can benefit greatly from this publication. Following are some of the categories we run in the Market Update and how to use them to your advantage. Get Your Book ReviewedThere are places to get your book reviewed other than the famous pre-publication reviewers, Library Journal, Kirkus, etc. Here are a few I have located for you. Some magazines ask you to send the book and they review it themselves. Others will pay for a book review that your friend or colleague wrote. Before sending your book for review, make sure the topic is right for this publication. Understand and follow the guidelines. Editor InterviewsThree more magazines that publish book reviews are Mothering Magazine, Grandparents Magazine and Beatrice. Here are my interviews with their editors/publishers. Featured Grammar Siteis a free directory of 2,114 of the top literary agents, editors and publishers of adult trade books in the US, UK and Canada. Research/Reference Site of the Month. This magazine pays 10 cents-word for Christian fiction 1,000 to 2,500 words in length. They only publish 2 fiction pieces per year, so make sure you send your very best. Contact Connie Faber at is in the market for four good fiction pieces per year. They want 1,500-4,500-word stories in the following categories: adventure, historical humorous, slice-of-life, western, conservation, human interest and they’ll publish excerpts from novels. All stories must pertain to elk and elk hunting.http://www.elkfoundation.org. Contact Lee Cromrich at bugle@rmef.org.christianleader@usmb.org. This magazine buys 18 fiction stories per year. They like humor, but stories must be true to life and deal with problems of preteens. Do you have any appropriate stories in the 600 – 650-word range? If so, perhaps you can earn $50 – $80. uses a few fiction pieces every year. They like adventure, fantasy, humor, religious, romance and science fiction all from a Christian perspective. They require 500 -1,200 words and will pay 15 cents-word. publishes fiction adventure pieces and novel excerpts that are ethnic, historical or humorous. They also buy mysteries. Find out more about this market at http://www.timespub.tc. Email them at timespub@tciway.tc. http://www.thewarcry.com or ys@usn.salvationarmy.org.winner@healthconnection.orgGrit@gritmagazine.com. http://www.grit.com publishes poetry and fiction. If you’re not familiar with Grit, it is a Midwestern magazine with the family in mind. They publish fiction of from 1,500 to 15,000 words. Grit especially likes what they call cliff hangers—stories they can continue from one issue to the next. Do you have a good story emphasizing positive aspects of American life in one of the following genres: historical, mystery, western or romance? If so, send it to Opportunities For Fiction WritersDid you know that Hemispheres publishes fiction? In order to be published in this is in-flight magazine, send your complete adventure, ethnic, historical, humorous, mainstream or mystery manuscript of 1,000-4,000 words to Lisa Fann at 1301 Carolina St., Greensboro, NC 27401. They buy 14 manuscripts each year and pay 50 cents a word and up. |