WPN Insider. The valuable WPN Insider appears monthly. Each issue of the Insider lists dozens (sometimes hundreds) of opportunities and resources for freelance writers, artists, publishers, and authors seeking a publisher or promoting one or more books.
- Free speaker and panel meetings
- Member Directory. Available to members only, this directory lists contact information and social media links in order to build connections between like-minded industry leaders.
- WPN at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books in April. Sell your book(s) at the booth yourself in our sizeable 20′ x 20′ corner booth on the main entrance walkway through the entire festival, plus we added a children’s booth this year as well. A discounted price for members. Only two spaces left for Sunday.
- A discount on all WPN Webinars: The webinars are entering their third season, with industry experts sharing their experiences with you. These are a rich resource in your publishing journey.
- Your book on the WPN website: upload your cover and fifty words about your latest book. The Books by WPN Authors page is open to the public, so everyone who visits the WPN website can see your announcement.
- $30 discount on IBPA membership, new or renewing.
- Audio recordings. Audio recordings on topics ranging from publicity to overcoming writer’s block are available for members to download from the private member area of the WPN website.
- Free ebooks available in the members only section
- Members-Only Discounts. WPN members receive discounts on products and services such as editorial services, book cover design, interior layout services, consulting, printing, and writing software, as well as a discount on The Chicago Manual of Style Online.
- Free digital issue of Story Monsters Ink magazine
- Story Monsters LLC, offers a place for teachers, librarians, and the media to connect with authors, artists, publishers, and speakers for school or library visits, book signings, speaking engagements, interviews, and more. They offer WPN members a 10% discount on a Two-Year Standard Membership: promo code WPN10. Story Monsters LLC offers Marketing & Publicity Services, Social Media Campaigns, and Email Campaigns.
- Event Calendar. Members may submit events. After approval, your events will be available online for everyone to see.
- Member Spotlight. Monthly opportunities in the newsletter, plus on our social media channels.