Editor’s Choice March 2023

HarperCollins union approves contract, ends 3-month strike
The cause was an ongoing debate about salaries.

As Book Bans and Legislative Attacks Escalate, the New Press Pushes Back

Oral Argument Set in Internet Archive Copyright Case
Filed by four major publishers (Hatchett, HarperCollins, Wiley, Penguin Random House) against the Internet Archive over its program to scan and lend library books, as “a massive piracy operation masquerading as a not-for-profit library.”

WI2023: Only Legislation Can Curtail Amazon’s Power
The ABA Winter Institute met in Seattle, Amazon’s hometown, to discuss “Chokepoints, Antitrust, Amazon, and You: How Corporate Monopolies Are Squeezing Bookstores, and How You Can Fight Back.” Included in each swag bag was a copy of “Unfulfilled: Amazon and the American Retail Landscape.”

New Publisher Sibylline Press Celebrates Women Authors Over 50
“Sibylline is a traditional publisher, but we’re giving our authors unheard-of support and access in producing and collaboratively promoting their books,” says publisher Vickie DeArmon. They plan to publish six novels and memoirs this fall.

ITW (International Thriller Writers) Launches Book Business Survey on AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Be willing to speak about your book’s topic for free, especially locally. Ask to sell books afterward. From Sandra Beckwith of Build Book Buzz.

How Authors Can Build Relationships with Independent Bookstores by Jane Friedman

Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award is an annual grant of $2,000 for an emerging writer of color. This grant is intended to support the recipient in crime-fiction writing and career-development activities. The grantee may choose to use the grant for activities that include workshops, seminars, conferences, retreats, online courses, and research activities required for completion of the work.

The 2023 Submissions will open February 1 – March 31

Requirements For Application
An unpublished work of crime fiction. This may be a short story or first chapter(s) of a manuscript in progress, 2,500 to 5,000 words.

A resume or biographical statement.
A cover letter that gives a sense of the applicant as an emerging writer in the genre and briefly states how the grant money would be used. No prior writing or publishing experience is required, but the applicant should include any relevant studies or experience.
Submission note: as this award is intended for emerging writers, previous publishing experience is limited to 10 (ten) or fewer pieces of short fiction (excluding poetry) and/or up to 2 (two) self- or traditionally published books.

We accept English-language submissions, with no citizenship requirements.

Looking for an agent? Check this list for possibilities.

Adams Literary, children’s and YA authors, artists with picture books, middle grade info@adamsliterary.com

Andy Ross Agency, narrative nonfiction, current events, history, journalism, science, literary and commercial fiction, YA andyrossagency@hotmail.com

Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises, literary, upscale, commercial women’s fiction, mysteries, nonfiction, travel, memoirs, self-help, cooking, gardening, and more B.amser.assistan@gmail.com

B. J. Robbins Literary Agency, mystery, suspense, thriller, historical, biography, memoir, health, travel, sports, African-American, science robbinsliterarysubmissions@gmail.com

Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency, mystery, thriller, suspense, biography, politics, African-American Kim.lonbardini@spitzeragency.com 

Talbot Fortune Agency, romance, thrillers, historical, mysteries queries@talbotfortuneagency.com 

Writers House, sci-fi, fantasy, memoir, science, parenting, cookbooks, YA, picture books

Refer a Friend and You Both Save on Your Authors Guild Dues
The refer-a-friend program lets you earn $20 off your dues for each author friend you invite who joins the Authors Guild. Plus, they get $20 off. Now is the time to remind writer friends the Authors Guild has long served as the collective voice of American authors on Capitol Hill, in the courtroom, and at the negotiating table with publishers. They have your back, and in these turbulent times for the book industry, we need the strength of a unified writing community.
There’s no limit to how many new members you can receive credit for. If you successfully recruit five friends to join, you’ll get $100 off your dues for the year ahead. Ready to share and earn?
Just copy and paste your custom referral link and share it via email or social media.

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