Living Now Book Awards

Authors and publishers are invited to enter the contest that honors the year’s best lifestyle, homestyle, and personal development books and their creators.
We‘ve all heard the expressions, “This book changed my life!” and “Changing the world, one book at a time.” The Living Now Book Awards are designed to honor those kinds of life-changing books, and to bring increased recognition to the year’s best lifestyle, homestyle, world-improvement and self-improvement books and their creators. We all seek healthier, more fulfilling lives for ourselves and for the planet, and books are very important tools for gaining knowledge about how to achieve these goals for ourselves, our loved ones, and for Planet Earth.
Entry fee is $85 per title, per category until the upcoming early-bird entry deadline of April 27, 2019.
If you write or publish world-changing, life-changing books, the 11th annual Living Now awards contest is for you. Gold, silver and bronze medallions will be presented in a range of fiction and non-fiction categories, including memoir, relationships, inspirational, hobbies, green living, cookbooks, home improvement, meditation, coloring books, and more!

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