Five Creative Blog Post Ideas for Savvy Author Marketing

by Penny Sansevieri

You may be a savvy blogger, or maybe you’re still digging in your heels about starting a blog, but no matter where you fall on that spectrum, I have to tell you blogging is a critical piece of your author marketing.

If you want to sell more books, I urge you to get on the blog train.


Because blogging is a great way to connect with current fans, and it’s also a smart way to put a piece of yourself out there to draw in new fans and buyers.

Reading is very personal. Genre preferences–and the types of books we seek to fulfill needs or answer questions in our lives–say a lot about us as individuals. The days of the elusive, mysterious author are over. The truth is, 4,500 books are published every day, so personalization must become a cornerstone of your author marketing if your goal is to sell more books. But I realize this is easier said than done!

Blogging is great in theory, but like every other author-marketing strategy, it takes time to figure out how to do it well, AND a little inspiration goes a long way. Especially if you’re new to this whole thing.

Today I offer ideas for fun and engaging posts you can easily whip up, and hope that in doing so, you’ll also stir those creative juices and think of more content ideas!

Recommend some other books in your genre

People who love your genre are fans for a reason. And there’s something really special about an author willing to share the love and show it’s about the readers! Remember clever author marketing means you’re not always blatantly trying to sell more books. Anything you do to draw attention to you and your brand, while also putting your readers first, is a slam dunk.

Do a “what I’m reading now” or “my bookstore wish list” post. These kinds of posts also have the added benefit of leaving the door open for you to return to these topics in the coming months.

Use humor and shared connections

Are there clichés or stereotypes associated with your genre or topic? Put it all out there and have some fun. Address the clichés and stereotypes. Throw in a few funny memes, and you’ll have something your fans can relate to.

Discuss plans for the future and offer sneak peeks

Almost all readers appreciate a prolific author. Some get downright nervous about investing time and energy into a single title if the author doesn’t have any other books published yet. So, share your plans for future titles, and let your audience know what you’re working on. If you need some motivation, remember there’s no better way to sell more books than to write and release another book.

Sharing a sneak peek—for example a cover mockup—is also a smart author-marketing tactic you can play up not only on your blog, but across social media as well!

Be a book-centric thought leader

Readers who follow and read author blogs are usually super readers and quite bookish in nature. So they’ll definitely appreciate anything book-centric you share. Effective author marketing establishes you as a thought leader, even if it’s for pure enjoyment and entertainment. If they trust you as a good resource, they’ll keep coming back for more. Think book-related gift ideas, fabulous vacation destinations for literature lovers, even recipes inspired by famous storylines or characters. Get creative!

Inspirational and insider info

As I said previously, author marketing is going to get more personal as the competition gets fiercer. And what’s more personal than your experience as an author? Let your readers in on what inspires you to write, who was a model for a specific character, or what motivated you to write that how-to book. This is also a great opportunity to remind them that THEY inspire you. Let them get involved in something fun like naming a character in an upcoming book or choosing the name of the small town where the story takes place.

If you want to sell more books, you must keep readers engaged; it’s no longer enough for your books to be better than the competition. Now you must be better than the competition, too. So, get out there and blog away! I’ve given you some posts to get you started, and I know you have what it takes to build on these ideas and, in so doing, you’ll better build your indie author brand. Good luck!

Penny Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc. (AME) and an adjunct professor at NYU, is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns.

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