How to Develop a Marketing Strategy as an Author who Doesn’t Know Marketing

by Penny Sansevieri

You’re a writer. Brainstorming and writing is what you do best. But what about when the writing is done (for now, at least)?

There aren’t many authors who know how to market their book let alone themselves. It’s more complicated than you think and there are a lot of wheels in motion at once.

Now, what can you do as an author who doesn’t know marketing?

Choose author marketing strategies that complement your skills and interests

I gathered a team because we all have different skills and talents to bring to the table. This way, I don’t need to do absolutely everything on my own, I only need to know it’s getting done by people I trust. Doing it all on your own is a huge task. So, to narrow things down, I recommend doing things that suit you.

If you’re great at writing content and copy, you might be able to create a really interesting blog.

If you’re artistic, I bet you can create engaging images for Instagram.

If you’re comfortable making videos on your phone, let those take the lead and add them to your Amazon Author Central.

And if you’re more of a “behind the scenes” person, schedule monthly, limited-time discounts with coordinating BookBub ads.

The advancement of web and social media offers you many different places to promote your work in ways that suit your existing skill set.

Consistency and tracking your successes

No single author marketing activity will move the needle dramatically, but consistent, repeat marketing efforts will create a steady flow of traffic to your book page on Amazon.

More eyes on your content and promotions means more sales.

Plus, consistent efforts also gives you a better idea of what efforts are worth your while. Stick to a plan for three months at a time to really assess whether it works in your favor.

For some a book marketing planner helps with consistency and an on-time flow.

Reframe how you think about author marketing

Sorry, but just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean you can skip it!

It’s sometimes discouraging doing tasks you don’t like, so work on your attitude, and don’t let yourself get into a headspace where you make marketing the enemy.

Because we all know that won’t sell books.

Sometimes marketing seems as fun as creating your book. It’s an opportunity to show your creativity and invite new readers into your world. With author marketing, you craft an imaginative experience unique to you and your work. Even if this isn’t where you shine, try to have fun with it. If you have fun, it’s more likely potential readers will too.

Penny Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc. (AME) and an adjunct professor at NYU, is a best-selling author and internationally recognized book marketing and media relations expert. Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns.

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